Channel: Why are hydrated lithium ions' radii larger than hydrated sodium ions' radii? - Chemistry Stack Exchange
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Answer by Apurvium for Why are hydrated lithium ions' radii larger than...

Down a group, ionic radii increases. But at the same time, due to decrease in charge density, the ions attract less number of water molecules. The smallest cation (with the same charges) having highest...

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Why are hydrated lithium ions' radii larger than hydrated sodium ions' radii?

Why are hydrated lithium ions' radii larger than hydrated sodium ions' radii i.e.$r_\ce{Li+(aq)}>r_\ce{Na+(aq)}$?If ionic radii increase down the group i.e.$r_\ce{Li+}<r_\ce{Na+}<r_\ce{K+}$...

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